Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The debate over the mosque in New York is completely polarized due to the absence of a possible compromise, as I stated in my theory post. If the approval of the mosque does not happen relatively soon, it could carry some fairly serious implications. If the issue isn’t resolved, then I believe the arguing that is occurring now will only become more and more heated resulting in more drastic protests that might even end in violence. Suspense would be built up too, only letting the side that ends up losing the battle to become bitterer.  I also feel that if there is no resolution in a reasonable amount of time, there will be a big uproar from all Americans who follow the Islamic religion. They will use the conflict as a perfect example of the hatred that Muslim-Americans deal with. Also, I believe there will be some implications in politics added to the existing ones. Especially with the upcoming elections, I think that politicians’ stance towards the proposed mosque could go as far as determining who will be voted into office. Voters could possibly change their votes depending on the politicians’ ideas for balancing honor for the 9/11 victims with the freedom of religion that is promised to all Americans.


  1. I defiantly agree this will have an effect on politics like you mentioned with the upcoming elections. Do you think there are also other political effects this could potentially cause? Also I’m interested in knowing what is being done to resolve this problem.

  2. Thank you for agreeing! I do not know of any other implications however. The other implications involve law and such
