Thursday, October 14, 2010

Important Background Information

There is some background information that I believe is important that everyone knows about before they decide where they stand in the ground zero mosque debate. I feel that some people decide to be against the mosque before they know all of the facts. I fear that many people will instantly jump to conclusions that may be brought on by lack of knowledge. Here are two important points that I think that everyone should know before they voice their opinions.
1.      The mosque is not AT the site where The World Trade Center once stood. It is proposed to be built a little over two blocks away. Yes, it is still relatively close to ground zero, but it might be far enough for some people to accept the building of it. I believe everyone should know this because I don’t want anyone having some strong feelings or thinking it is such disrespect to 9/11 victims because it is at the site when it is not. I’m not sure whether or not this will make people lean more way than the other or not, but it is something everyone should be aware of.
2.      The building is not just a mosque. It is an Islamic Center. I think many people believe it is strictly a religious building so it is completely absurd to put it near ground zero when it is far from that. The building does have a place to worship, but it has a lot of other parts to it. If the building is constructed, there will be things like a basketball court, a swimming pool, and even a place for people to try and sing. The building is a center not a mosque, and I believe that is another piece of information that everybody should be aware of.

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