Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Links Post

These links should set the stage for readers to understand why the Ground Zero Mosque is such a big controversy still. They provide the background of the issue, and they show polarized sides and their reasons as to why the mosque should or should not be constructed.

This article discusses the beginning of the mosque debate and explains the purchase of the space by Ground Zero. This article helps because it shows how it all started and gives a good foundation to start understanding fully what the issue occurring in New York is all about.
Although a pretty goofy character giving the information, I find this link to be one that can be very useful. It provides the audience with good information that can further the knowledge one knows before deciding what their view is on the issue. I think it would be especially helpful to people that are being very extreme about the problem because this link explains how the mosque is not right at Ground Zero and how it is not exclusively religious; it gives a calmer approach that some people might need to understand the problem fully.
This link is very helpful because it simply spells out what the debate is between: freedom of religion and honoring those who suffered and still suffer from 9/11
This link provides the idea that most Americans are proposing, still build the mosque just move it further away from Ground Zero.
This link has the First Amendment in The Constitution. It spells out the freedom of religion that every American has the right to. Most supporters of the mosque use this as the backbone of their argument to allow the mosque to be built.
This link provides factual information on what Americans think of the issue. It has the results of polls that were conducted, and they show that about 71% of the Americans surveyed think that the mosque would be an insult to the 9/11 victims.
This link shows that the construction of the mosque might not be such an insult. It describes families of 9/11 victims who support the mosque. This shows that even those who were directly affected by the terrorist attacks still think the mosque should be able to be built.

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