Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Class Links Post

I started reading these blogs in our class all for the same basic reason: I could relate and I am affected by the issues they delve into.
                This blog should be no surprise that I followed it because it was on the same topic I chose for my blog. It was nice to hear another person’s point of view on all the commotion that is going on in society about the mosque being built near ground zero. This blog gave me some new thoughts and insight that I had not been able to think of on my own. I found this blog to be personally helpful and enjoyable.
                This blog I kept up with because sugar sweetened beverages are a part of my everyday life. I consume them every day (mostly in the form of Gatorade) whether it is in my room, during class, or in the baseball stadium. I was particularly interested in the implications post that was put on the blog because I’m curious as to how the current debate over a tax would affect consumers.
                What college student wouldn’t be interesting in reading a blog about the legalization of marijuana? I found this blog interesting because I have heard so much about the issue in California and I finally got the opportunity to hear what is actually going on and what the real debate is. I found this blog to be very informative and intriguing. It discusses the prepositions and effects that this debate contains.

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