Thursday, November 4, 2010

Self-Analysis Post

Throughout this experience blogging on the subject of the Ground Zero Mosque, I definitely have gained some knowledge. At the beginning of the project I initially believed the mosque should be built because our Constitution says it should be. Although my stance still remains that the center should be built, I am aware of so much more dealing with this issue. I started off by learning where the problem came about and how it started with the initial proposal, and what exactly was being proposed and how the building actually is not just a mosque and it is an Islamic Center. Also, I found out at this time that the building is not actually at Ground Zero, which so many people believe. As I dove further into the subject I learned more about the two sides and their arguments. I learned that those who support the mosque do not only support it because of the freedom of religion which is what I had first thought. I found out that supporters want the center to be built from more of a moral standpoint, and to try to put Anti-Muslim feelings down the drain. I even found out that some of the families of the victims of 9/11 support the mosque. On the other hand, I also learned some things that the people who oppose the center believe. I found out that they think the construction of the center would be a victory for the terrorists and it should not be done. Some of their arguments put some new thoughts and perspectives in my mind I must admit. Finally, I learned a lot more on the political aspect of this debate. I learned how there will be some implications politically with the elections coming up. I learned different views of many politicians such as Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, and even Barrack Obama. This blog definitely has made me expand my knowledge and raise my awareness.

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