Thursday, November 4, 2010

Americans Polled on the Issue

The debate over the Islamic Center has sparked some polls to be taken and here are some of the main results:
·         23% of people surveyed believe the mosque would serve as a symbol of religious tolerance that America has
·         44% of people surveyed think the mosque would be an insult to those who died from the attacks on September 11, 2001
·         27% of people surveyed believe that both sides present valid arguments
·         6% of people surveyed had no response or was not sure what they thought on the issue

I think these stats show that more Americans are against the construction of the Islamic Center than for it. They do have valid reasons to believe that the mosque should not be built because honoring those who died in the attacks is very important. However, a later poll taken had startled me a little when Americans where surveyed on their view of Muslim religion…
·         22% of Americans surveyed find the Muslim religion somewhat unfavorable
·         21% of Americans surveyed find the Muslim religion very unfavorable
This poll I find to be upsetting. 43% of people surveyed find the Muslim religion at least somewhat unfavorable, and almost half of those find it very unfavorable. I think this poll shows that Americans still are against the Muslims and I fear that there truly is discrimination against them due to these feelings. Furthermore, I am afraid that these feelings will lead all the protest of the Islamic Center and it will be more about getting rid of the Muslims than honoring the 9/11 victims. I believe this country need to work on their religious tolerance because it is one of the building blocks of what America is, and allowing the center to be built would be a good example of this.

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