Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where did it all start?

The mosque debate is one that is very heated and one that is regularly discussed, seen on television, and read in newspapers. However, it is a debate that people seem to just “jump” in the middle of. So where did it all start? It started with a real estate partnership purchasing an old, vacant clothing store. It was lead by a 51 year old man named Hisham Elzanaty who helped pay the 4.8 million dollars to acquire the lot. They had proposed the Islamic center as they were working on purchasing the lot. The partnership was supported by many donors and has also contributed to charities for Palestinians.
            This information probably does not swing a person one way or another but it definitely is good to be informed on the situation before making a decision or coming to a conclusion. This will keep people from making an uninformed decision. The more information a person knows on the subject, the better decision they can make.

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