Thursday, November 4, 2010

Families of Victims' Growing Support

The honor of those who suffered and still are affected from September 11, 2001 is definitely something Americans want to do. Nobody wants to seem like they do not care about what happened almost ten years ago on that tragic day. In response to these feelings, much of the protest for the building of the Islamic Center has come about. There is much feeling that the construction of the center would not be what the victims would want and what the families deserve. However, that is not entirely the case.
            As it turns out, there is a lot of growing support from the families of 9/11 victims. They want the center to be built and believe people have every right to build it. Although those families in support of the center are still the minority, their numbers are growing. Many groups have started from the families along with civil rights and religious groups to support the mosque.
            Personally, I find this remarkable. This is an example where I am proud to be an American. The families have gone through so much and have withstood tragic occurrences that I could hardly imagine and they still have it in them to stand up for a religion that the terrorists had followed. In my mind, this is what America is all about and those families should be applauded. Everyone has a right to freedom of religion and the families do not want this event to make our country stray from what it stands for.

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